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#Emissions Testing Il | Carbon Emissions Tax - Economic Reform for the Environment

Carbon Emissions Tax - Economic Reform for the Environment

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Do you know about - Carbon Emissions Tax - Economic Reform for the Environment

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The carbon emissions tax is the Australian government's chief program towards hitting its 2020 goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least 5 percent below 2000 levels. The country's dependence on coal-fired power stations, aside from other factors, has made it the leading greenhouse gas emitter among all industrialized nations. As the whole world faces the hazards of climate change, Australia takes action as fast as it can to help decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases.

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How is Carbon Emissions Tax - Economic Reform for the Environment

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Chief contributors to these carbon dioxide emissions are the fossil fuels including coal, oil and natural gas. Decrease in the production and use of these fossil fuels and increase in the supply and demand of renewable energy are the main strategies of Australia. The carbon tax on energy prices requires energy companies, including the country's 500 biggest polluters, to pay a certain amount for every certain level of carbon dioxide they emit. These include the huge power generators, steel businesses, and coal miners. In the latest word from the Prime Minister, each company should pay approximately USD 24 for every tonne of carbon dioxide it emits.

This levy on carbon emissions is being implemented mainly due to certain advantages that the government would like to maximize. This tax can be implemented easily and is a stable incentive for carbon emission reduction. Furthermore, it can be easily done in almost all types of industries and economies that it can be adopted internationally. Germany, which is another country that has power stations that are said to be top contributors to pollution, has their own ecological tax for more than 10 years now and has recently implemented their ecological air travel levy. This requires passengers boarding flights in Germany to be charged EUR 8 for domestic and intra-European short-haul flights, EUR 25 for medium-haul flights and EUR 45 for long-haul flights. Austria is one country that has followed suit.

The carbon emissions tax can also be a source of revenue, since the government can either complement this with reduction of other taxes or distribute carbon tax proceeds to areas or households that are highly affected by the emissions. For instance, Japan decreased its tax on green vehicles and also placed a new tax on coal as a means of redoing its energy taxes in answer to the environmental troubles of greenhouse gases. Japan also has one of the least carbon-efficient power companies in the world, Niihama Nishi.

Countries that are conscious about the growing risks of climate change due to their carbon emissions are supporting this type of tax scheme. Many, though, are opposing, since, in the first place, it is a tax and entails shelling out money or losing profit. However, its advocates strongly believe that with the proper education about the advantages of this tax, people will agree that this carbon tax on energy prices will be beneficial for everyone.

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