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#Emissions Testing Il | Reduce The CO2 Emissions From Your Car

Reduce The CO2 Emissions From Your Car

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Do you know about - Reduce The CO2 Emissions From Your Car

Emissions! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

We are all much more aware of our impact on the environment these days with phrases like 'carbon footprint' becoming common parlance. Many of us make every effort to live our lives in an environmentally aware manner; recycling ourselves, choosing to use recycled products, and buying organic produce. However, most of us are still heavily reliant on our cars, and they produce a large amount of carbon dioxide. Keeping them properly maintained and regularly serviced certainly helps, but is there anything else we can do to reduce our CO2 emissions without sacrificing our cars?

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How is Reduce The CO2 Emissions From Your Car

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Emissions.

Yes! There are several things that you as a driver can do to reduce those emissions while still enjoying your daily drive to work. Admittedly the most obvious solution is to get out of your car and walk, but that isn't feasible for most of us. So what can you do? One more dramatic option is to change your car; buying a hybrid car is extremely economical both for the environment and your bank balance. The average vehicle driving 12,000 miles emits 8,000 lbs of CO2 every year, and a hybrid car will save a massive chunk of that. Another big change to consider is to work fewer days. Many employers are perfectly happy for you to spread your hours across four days instead of five. It's always worth asking as most employees find the resulting three day weekend is a boost to their morale!

One thing that may affect your day slightly is to driver slower; you'll probably have to get out of bed earlier to get to work on time! Simply slowing down and driving more sensibly can reduce your car's carbon footprint by 20%. It's not just about driving slower in general, it is about anticipating what the traffic will do next, accelerating more gradually, and braking gradually too. This reduces the output of your engine thereby reducing your emissions.

The way you drive can massively affect your CO2 emissions, mostly due to how much extra time certain driving styles add to your journey. You may not have a choice about your route, but if you do then picking more left turns that right turns (no really, bear with me on this one!) can save time and reduce emissions. Turning left usually means you don't have to wait for a space in the oncoming traffic as there is no traffic to cross, so you spend less time idling and more time moving towards your destination. Choosing to park in the first space you find, even if that means you have to manoeuvre into the space either by reversing or parallel parking, can save CO2 by reducing the amount of time you spend looking for a car parking space! People frequently spend ten minutes driving around looking for the cheapest parking space, the one closest to their destination, or just one that they can drive straight in to.

Whether you are idling in traffic, waiting outside a friend's house for them to get ready and get in the car or waiting at a level crossing for a train to pass, turning off your engine instead of sitting their idling may not have a huge effect on your CO2 emissions if you only do it once, but if you reduce your idle time by five minutes every day, you can knock up to 440 lbs of CO2 off your carbon footprint in a year. As a general guide, if you are idling for longer than a minute then you are using more fuel than if you had just turned your engine off and then restarted your car.

Finally, turn your air conditioning off! Or rather than turning it off completely, let it cool the air in the car, then turn the air con off and leave the fan running. This little tip not only reduces emissions but increases your fuel economy.

Aside from that, anything you can do to ensure your car is running as well as it's supposed to will help reduce its emissions; regular car servicing, fitting good quality tyres, and keeping your car in tip top condition will all help.

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