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#Emissions Testing Il | Street Driving Errors That Can Ruin a Driving Test

Street Driving Errors That Can Ruin a Driving Test

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Streets are usually quiet roads with little traffic. Driving on them is smooth and relaxed. However, during a driving test, some driving students can't drive according to the street driving rules and make many mistakes. Some mistakes are even critical errors which cause an automatic test failure. Sadly, some mistakes repeat more than others.

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How is Street Driving Errors That Can Ruin a Driving Test

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Illinois Emissions Test.

The most frequent mistakes are related to speed. The examined drivers often don't go at the speed limit and make one of two mistakes: driving too fast or driving very slowly. The mistake of speeding is clear to everyone, but not many realize the true dangers and the failing reason of slow driving. When the examinee's car's speed is too low, the test is over.

Go-through intersections also cause problems to many student drivers. Often they believe they should slow down to a crawl before any intersection, even if they don't have to stop. This often fails them under the reason stated above, slow driving. Another mistake related to intersections is not knowing the right of way rules. Some students just make up their own rules during the test, not giving a right of way when necessary and not taking theirs when given. This is a critical error and a test failure.

Controlled intersections are also serious "troublemakers" when it comes to driving tests. Sometimes the examined student is dreaming, and he forgets to stop at a stop sign or a traffic light. This is of course a serious and dangerous critical error, which ends the test on the spot.

A big issue is raised by street parking as well. The parking test is one of the toughest parts for drivers during their driving test, and even though they are given a simple street parking they make mistakes which cost them the entire test.

Pedestrians also end the tests of many students. Some students are not aware of pedestrians around them or at crosswalks and don't give them their right of way. Others don't notice when pedestrians start crossing the road from the opposite lane and don't stop for them. This is a huge mistake to make on the test and a sure re-test.

Another big problem students face on street driving is parked cars. These bring up two issues: keeping a safe distance and opening doors. Some examinees don't notice they are too close to a parking car and scratch it. This immediately stops the test. Others don't notice an opening door and make an emergency maneuver to avoid hitting it. This is another immediate test stop.

Street driving can be done very well if practiced. Every student should get a good practice of street driving before the driving test so he will know exactly what to do in each situation he may encounter during the driving test.

You can find some driving test guides at the Pass your Driving Test area of Great-Info-Products. All guides have the exact practices for street driving and what to look out for when driving on a street.

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